Back Again!

Man, it seem like I really took a break when I look at the last post date. I guess I didn’t do a single bit of hiking after I stepped off the AT. I really hope to change that this year.

Looks like it’s time to start prepping for the next hike. We’ve added an intermediate hike to bridge the gap until we can do our 60-miler in May. We’re looking to knock out from Woody Gap back to Springer near the end of Feb.

Since the weather will probably be freezing #@&#*$#& cold I decided to take advantage of our unusually cold temps. Last night was in the 20s which doesn’t happen too often in Florida. I was remarkably warm in layered clothing and just a 40 degree back. The one weak spot I have is my feet. I think I’m going to invest in some down booties to keep my feet warm. Everything else is ok but when I put my boots back on I can tell my feet got colder than they should. I also think that accounts for why I have to drag myself out of my cozy hammock to pee.

I’ve also decided I definitely want a Kestrel 4500 or similar before I start hitting the trail again. I’m tired of guessing and/or wondering how cold it got (or down here how hot it got). I want to be able to look at the Kestrel and know.

That’s all for now. Hope to have more soon!


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